I often get asked about our success rates. Well, I could tell you that we had a 100% success rate for ARC Future Fellowships (we did at one point, but that was after reviewing just one grant). Or I could tell you about the person who we had a 0% success rate with (but who credits our development approach with her next two successful grants!).
Hopefully the below testimonials speak to the value we add, but if you’re after some data… up to 2023 we’ve helped researchers secure >$222 million in funding. For some of our regular clients we’ve calculated a Return on Investment (ROI) of ~$300-500 for every $1 they’ve spent on us. The schemes we’ve successfully supported (to 2023) include: ARC DP, LP, DE, FT, SRI; NHMRC Ideas, Investigators, Synergy; MRFFs; philanthropic grants; and Tall Poppy awards.
We help ECRs who are new to grant writing, senior researchers who are time poor, MCRs who need a fresh perspective… and anyone in between. Here’s what some of them say about us: