We provide research grants & career services

Grant writing & editing

Research funding is integral to a research career. That’s why grant writing and editing support is the cornerstone of our services.

However, because we know what goes into an academic track record we can also provide support for other applications such as academic promotions and awards.

  • Our strategic reviews include critique and editing of a completed draft.

    This service includes feedback on how the application addresses the scheme criteria and guidelines, critical review of the project (from an intelligent lay perspective), critical review of the track record relative to career stage, as well as the general readability and cohesiveness of the application. We do this via track changes, and prefer files in Word to provide detailed editing and comments.

  • If you need help to develop your application, we can work with you over multiple rounds of review to develop your content around your research plan and clarify your narrative.

    This service includes considerable writing and re-writing from your existing research content. Because we are not experts in your field, we don’t write research applications ‘from scratch’.

  • If you are looking to apply for an award or a promotion but are not feeling confident in how you are expressing your track record, or you have English as a second language, or maybe you just want someone to cheer you on from the sides.... we can help you put your "best foot forward" with our editing of various other applications (think Tall Poppy Awards etc).


Our Masterclasses are focused on demystifying the major research grant schemes but we also present on the fundamentals of grant applications and writing.

  • We present tips and tricks for writing your ARC DECRA, Future Fellowships, Discovery Projects, Linkage Projects and Industry Fellowship applications.

  • We present tips and tricks for approaching the writing of your NHMRC Investigator, Ideas, and Synergy grants.

  • With a focus on ECRs and PhD students, we have previously presented on science writing and the processes and art of obtaining grants. We also present on persuasive writing for grants (all career levels).

Career development programs

Our career development programs aim to support PhD graduates to develop their careers in and beyond the academy.


    This program is all about helping you plan, implement and articulate a cohesive research track record.

    Using our Empirical Elements framework we will help you develop the track record you need to achieve your research funding and promotion goals.